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about me

I’m Larissa, provocateur, unabashed and outspoken individualist and unapologetically self-interested. Writer, artist, enneagram-obsessed facilitator of shedding limiting identities, beliefs, and stories. I was also a massive self-saboteur until I got deep into mindset work and finally let go of what was holding me back. Easier said than done, I know this first hand.

I’m here to help you step into your vast power to make a huge impact on the world - whether you fully believe that about yourself yet, and whether people around you like it or not. You deserve to live in alignment with your soul’s calling.


But to make it simple - I’m a mindset + manifestation coach.

We live in wild times where cognitive dissonance is the dish du jour and people have become out of touch with their true selves, their hearts, minds and their passions. The world is rife with finger-pointing, self-victimization, hatred, division, guilt and fear-mongering.


My intention with the work that I’m doing with clients, with my workshops, and creatively - is it to help show people that they are in total control of their reality and what they manifest, how they want to feel, and to gain absolute self-awareness. And from that horrifying self-awareness, they can experience and embody profound integration, acceptance and true power.


You’re a rotten ratbag? Same, honey. Except I’m ok with it. Why aren’t you?


When we work together we’ll integrate those rancid bits, flaws and mistakes and transform them into something beautiful - your secret weapon. I practice radical self-acceptance with my clients, which means holding space for your shadow and light, so that you can integrate them and not project those traits out into the world or become reactive towards them in others.


When you become comfortable with who you are you create inspirational ripples outwards to others in your life to allow them to also be who they truly are. By being “selfish” you actually become selfless. By filling your own cup, you’re able to fill others from a place of authentic abundance.

what you know, baby?

I’m Certified as:

  • Master Hypnosis Practitioner (2020 - 2021)

  • Master NLP Practitioner (2020 - 2021)

  • Master TIME Techniques™ Practitioner (2020 - 2021)

  • Master Life, Mindset and Success Coach (2020 - 2021)

  • EFT Practitioner (2020)

  • ​

I have also taken multiple spiritual advancement courses over the years to develop my intuition and channelling abilities. As well as somatic training, breathwork, and studying and incorporating the Enneagram.


I may also incorporate intuitive card reading (oracle, tarot, etc) into my sessions when needed as it’s a side passion of mine that I think can be illuminating and spark much insight.


I believe that when we work together and with the Universe (using the Laws of the Universe, manifestation, intention) our power, impact, abundance and magic grows. Together we can create something meaningful. Together we can create the reality that we want to live in. And I know if you’re reading this and contemplating working with me - you are one of my people.


I currently live in the Haliburton Highlands, Ontario, Canada.

other  'tings

I’m also a multi-passionate creative. I write, draw, direct and (attempt to) sing. I am keenly aware of the struggles of creatives and love working with other artists.

Some of my stuff, if you feel like lurking:


don't be a stranger, baby

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